We have a new section on our website where educators will be sharing various resources on a weekly basis. Make sure to click the FOLLOW button at the bottom of the homepage. This way you’ll get an email notification every time new tips are posted.

Each new weekly post will give 1 tip in the following 3 categories:

Online Tools

Resources that anyone can use in the classroom to create more interest and engagement (including tutorials how to use them).

Great Ideas

Educators share best practices that you can also implement in your school or classroom (eg. lessons, games, assemblies, fundraisers).

Teacher P.D.

Fun, easy and engaging professional development. Includes podcast, books, workshops, or anything teachers would find valuable.

Take an idea. Share an idea. Be part of an awesome community.

Want to contribute? Email stephanie.lenzo@tcdsb.org.


Teacher Tips Thursday has been brought to you in collaboration with:

Teachers Meet Teachers
“Changing Education by fuelling those who run it!”

Follow them on Instagram @teachersmeeteachers

Teach Me Toolbox
Daily tips and resources for teachers by teachers.

Follow them on Instagram and Twitter